2024 Election

Money In Politics: New York Has Given America An Answer To Citizens United

By Brennan Center\Joanna Zdanys Fourteen years ago this week, a 5–4 majority of the Supreme Court unleashed a tidal wave of money into our ...

Donald Trump Poses The Biggest Global Danger Of 2024

Photos: YouTube Screenshots This week’s edition of The Economist includes our annual guide to the coming year, The World Ahead. The 2024 edition is ...

Is ‘Democrat’ Judas Joe Manchin’s ‘Retirement’ A Prelude To Presidential Run?

Photos: YouTube Screenshots November 9, 2023 – The Lincoln Project released the following statement on Senator Joe Manchin’s retirement announcement–the man who single-handedly did ...

2024 Election: The Truth About The ‘No Labels’ Political Dark Money Organization

Photos: YouTube Screenshots In the following article, The Lincoln Project group analyzes the facts versus the myths regarding the “dark money funded organization” called ...