Lawyer’s Group: Congress Must Investigate Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Conduct

By Special To The Black Star News

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Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (SC) reported pressuring of election officials...raises grave concerns about possible violations of ethica

[Sen. Lindsey Graham]
Kristen Clarke: “It is critical that the Justice Department open an investigation to determine whether Senator Graham’s conduct violates any federal criminal election law offenses. We also urge the Senate Select Committee on Ethics to determine whether Graham’s conduct runs afoul of rules and restrictions.”
Photo: U.S. Congress\Wikimedia Commons

Photo: U.S. Congress\Wikimedia Commons

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the co-chairs of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights’ Voting Rights Task Force, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and MALDEF, issued the following statement regarding allegations against U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) of putting pressure on Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and other state officials to discard legally cast ballots:

“We are deeply disturbed by the allegations that Senator Lindsey Graham pressured Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger and other state officials to toss out legally cast ballots. The accusations, if true, are of the same character as the myriad voter suppression tactics witnessed in this election and are focused on the same objective of denying the right to vote. To suggest, directly or indirectly, that any election official act in such a manner is an affront to the democratic process and may violate the law.

“Our democracy hinges on one fundamental principle — counting every vote. It is an obligation, a moral imperative, and a duty that upholds our sacred right to choose our leaders. We urge the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics, the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, and the Committee on House Administration to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation into Senator Graham’s conduct in this matter.”

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Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (SC) reported pressuring of election officials in Georgia, Nevada and Arizona raises grave concerns about possible violations of ethical rules and federal election law. The following is a statement from Kristen Clarke, president, and executive director for the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law:

“It is critical that the Justice Department open an investigation to determine whether Senator Graham’s conduct violates any federal criminal election law offenses. We also urge the Senate Select Committee on Ethics to determine whether Graham’s conduct runs afoul of rules and restrictions. A public official using his office to potentially pressure a state official to discard ballots cast by eligible voters is deeply troubling conduct that should not be tolerated in our democracy. Voters across Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona overcame tremendous obstacles in order to have their voices heard this season. A potential attempt made by one of our nation’s most senior officials to disenfranchise them after the fact should not be taken lightly.”

Background: The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law is involved in several of the post-election lawsuits that have been filed by President Trump and his allies challenging the final outcome of the 2020 election.

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