Voting Rights

leaders of the nation’s most prominent civil rights organizations today declared a state of emergency for democracy

Civil Rights Leaders Declare State of Emergency For Voting Rights, Democracy

Photos: Twitter\YouTube WASHINGTON, D.C. – On the 59th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, leaders of the nation’s most prominent ...

voting-rights organizations Wednesday urged a federal appeals court to reject part of a controversial Florida elections law

Voting-Rights Group: Florida’s New Election Law Violates Free Speech

Photos: ACLU\YouTube Pointing to the First Amendment, voting-rights organizations Wednesday urged a federal appeals court to reject part of a controversial Florida elections law ...

The January 6th Committee is showing us how fragile our democracy is.

American Democracy Is At Risk. Here Are Actions We Must Take To Protect It

Photos: YouTube\Twitter “The threats became much more specific, much more graphic, and included not just me by name but included members of my family…” ...

This alliance must function as a welcoming, democratic, movement of movements: for racial and gender justice and equality

Without A Broad People’s Alliance, Meaningful Change Is Hopeless

Photos: Brookings Institution\YouTube\Twitter How will we transform US society in all the ways that are needed? One absolutely essential element, one we do not ...

Undermining American Elections

Undermining American Elections From Within And Without

Photos: Wikimedia Commons When Donald Trump called Geor­gia Secret­ary of State Brad Raffen­sper­ger to demand that he “find 11,780 votes, which is one more ...

challenge certain barriers to voting created by Georgia’s anti-voter law, S.B. 202.

2022 Elections: Voting Rights Groups Act To Block Georgia’s Anti-Voter Law


Photos: YouTube\Twitter ATLANTA – Wednesday, voting rights groups filed a preliminary injunction motion to challenge certain barriers to voting created by Georgia’s anti-voter law, ...

Former attorney general Eric Holder said the country's democracy is in need of a "serious renovation,"

Holder: Republicans “Have To Cheat” To Win Elections

Photos: Wikimedia Commons\Twitter Former attorney general Eric Holder said the country’s democracy is in need of a “serious renovation,” claiming Republicans practicing gerrymandering threaten ...

Florida’s SB 524, which was signed into law yesterday by Governor Ron DeSantis:

Florida: New Anti-Voter Law Creates New Barriers


Photos: YouTube\Screenshot TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Caren Short, senior supervising attorney for Voting Rights with the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Michelle Kanter Cohen, policy ...

improve systems of democracy and justice by focusing on voting rights and campaign finance reform,

Voting Rights: There Is Reason To Be Alarmed And Optimistic

Photos: Twitter Michael Waldman hadn’t planned on rereleasing his 2016 book, The Fight to Vote, anytime soon. But he didn’t anticipate that a sitting ...

Hundreds of poor and low-wealth people marched through Wall Street,

Poor People’s Campaign: Hundreds March Down Wall Street Demanding Economic Justice

Photos: Poor People’s Campaign Hundreds of poor and low-wealth people marched through Wall Street, chanting “if we don’t get it, shut it down” and ...

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