Voter Suppression

Voting Rights: We Are In A Fight For Future Of American Democracy

Photos: Twitter Video Screenshot\YouTube Screenshots\Facebook Last year, the Freedom to Vote Act came achingly close to enactment. It passed the House, had a majority ...

They’ve asked the Supreme Court to endorse the “independent state legislature theory,” a dubious reading of the Constitution

SCOTUS Case Outcome May Sow More Chaos In Elections

Photos: YouTube The Supreme Court will hear one of the most significant election law cases . . . well, ever . . . on ...

by May 2022, 18 states had passed a total of 34 laws restricting voting.

High Voter Turnout Doesn’t Cancel Out Voter Suppression

Photos: YouTube Since the beginning of 2021, dozens of states have enacted restrictive voting laws — legislation that limits how, where, and when voters ...

Threats to demo­cracy. Polls show this is a top concern among voters

‘Midterm Monitor’ Captures U.S. Election Narratives on Social Media

Photos: YouTube Wash­ing­ton, D.C. – The Alli­ance for Secur­ing Demo­cracy (ASD) at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Bren­nan Center ...

just how close Donald Trump and his supporters came to overturning the 2020 presidential election.

Right Wing Going All Out To Unravel US Democracy

Photos: YouTube The January 6 committee hearings have put into stark relief just how close Donald Trump and his supporters came to overturning the ...

Democracy is on the ballot this November. Your rights and freedoms cannot afford to sit this one out.

NAACP President: “Democracy Is On The Ballot This November”

Photos: Twitter\NAACP NAACP President Derrick Johnson made the following statement during this year’s Fourth of July holiday and singled out the importance of voting. ...

On Monday, the House Select Commit­tee to Invest­ig­ate the Janu­ary 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol

January 6 Hearings, Trump’s Big Lie, And The Ongoing Damage To American Democracy

Photos: YouTube On Monday, the House Select Commit­tee to Invest­ig­ate the Janu­ary 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol held the second of several public ...

“Mississippi’s Supreme Court districts dilute the voice and the votes of Black Mississippians in violation of federal law,”

Mississippi: Civic Groups Sue Over Diluting Of Black Voting Power


Photos: Facebook\ACLU Civic and youth leaders in Mississippi sued the state this week, challenging district lines that dilute the voting power of Black residents ...

The Lawyers’ Committee has filed dozens of cases under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act

Voting Rights: Gutting Section 2 Would Allow Unchecked Racial Discrimination

Photos: Twitter (Washington, D.C.) ­- A federal appeals court should reverse a district judge’s ruling that held Black voters and other impacted community members ...

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