[2020 Election\Donald Trump]
The Nation: “The report warns that a desperate Trump could push the American republic to the breaking point. The authors even envision scenarios in which Trump wins the Electoral College but loses the popular vote and exploits the ensuing unrest.”
Photo: YouTube
Joe Biden
Joe Biden: Donald Trump “Rooting for Chaos and Violence”
[Joe Biden]
Biden: “This is a sitting president of the United States of America. He’s supposed to be protecting this country, but instead he’s rooting for chaos and violence.”
Photo: YouTube
2020 Election: Biden Voters More Likely to Vote by Mail
[2020 Elections]
Five-Thirty-Five: “If this holds, it would mean votes cast on Election Day would skew heavily toward Trump, and votes cast by mail would skew heavily toward Biden.”
Photo: YouTube
Ending the Civil War That never Ended in 1865
[Civil War]
Koehler: “This is half a civil war. Some of the participants are police and some are vigilantes. They are armed and desperate for enemies. To the extent the protests stay peaceful, they lose.”
Photo: YouTube
Bowman: Biden and Harris Must Condemn Militia Murders in Kenosha
[Wisconsin\White Militia Violence]
Bowman: “We need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to condemn the armed militias that killed two people in Kenosha yesterday while working in tandem with local police.”
Photo: YouTube
Joe Biden: We are in “Battle for the Soul” of America
[Joe Biden]
Biden: “May history be able to say that the end of this chapter of American darkness began here tonight as love and hope and light joined in the battle for the soul of the nation.”
Photo: Facebook
President Barack Obama: Trump has American Democracy in Jeopardy
[President Barack Obama]
Obama: “Don’t let them take away your democracy. Make a plan right now for how you’re going to get involved and vote. Do it as early as you can and tell your family and friends how they can vote too.”
Photo: YouTube
Pandemics, Politics, and Impact of Women in Leadership Roles
[Women & Leadership]
Andi Simon: “Our cultural biases lead us to believe that something created by a woman is not as good as something created by a man. For us to see the work of women as at least equal to that of men, those biases must change.”
Photo: YouTube
Cardi B. to Joe Biden: We must get “Trump Out”
[Cardi B\Joe Biden]
Cardi B: “I have a whole list of things that I want our next president to do for us. But first, I just want Trump out.”
Photo: YouTube