Bowman: Biden and Harris Must Condemn Militia Murders in Kenosha

By Special To The Black Star News

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[Wisconsin\White Militia Violence]
Bowman: “We need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to condemn the armed militias that killed two people in Kenosha yesterday while working in tandem with local police.”
Photo: YouTube

17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, above, was charged today as the being the militia murderer who killed two people Tuesday in Kenosha, Wisconsin during protests against the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Yesterday, two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin were killed by the armed white militia. It is now being said these militias were working in tandem with local police.

Some witnesses are saying police were seen with the armed white shooter sometime before he killed two people.

In response, Democratic nominee for NY-16 Jamaal Bowman released this statement:

“We need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to condemn the armed militias that killed two people in Kenosha yesterday while working in tandem with local police. These militias are domestic terrorists looking to incite a race war. ‘Protecting private property’ is just cover for their agenda.

“Donald Trump is inciting racial violence across the country, and emboldening law enforcement and armed white militias to take violent action against protestors. He has portrayed the Black Lives Matter movement as the enemy, and we’re seeing the results. Now two more people are dead.

“Any talk about protecting private property and the need for ‘peaceful’ protest completely misses the point. It’s tone deaf to where we are and how we got here.

“We can’t ignore the social and economic neglect that’s gone on for decades, disproportionately in Black and brown communities. We can’t ignore the fact that police are killing Black men in the streets every single day.

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“Of course we want peace. But with no justice, there is no peace.

“Our country seems to be coming apart at the seams, and what we need now is leadership. This is a conversation that needs to be led by our future president and vice president. We need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to do what Donald Trump is incapable of doing — to step up and lead; to quell the violence and bring our country together.”

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