NY Attorney General: Tribute To Our men and women in uniform

[Veterans Day Commentary]

On this Veterans Day, we pay tribute to the tremendous sacrifices of the men and women in uniform on behalf of our country.

I know I speak for all Americans in expressing our eternal gratitude for the price our military and their loved ones have paid to guarantee our safety and preserve our values. This nation owes a great debt to our veterans and to those who continue to defend our liberties today.

As we honor the bravery of our service members, we must renew our commitment to care for them during their course of duty and long after they have returned home. Just as they have fought for us, we must deliver for them. From working to ease their financial burdens to providing necessary services to the wounded, we must continue to protect their rights, extending the same reverence and righteousness that they have shown this great nation.


Schneiderman is the New York Attorney General.

Note: Schneiderman has recently launched several efforts to protect New York’s service men and women: In order to ensure military families receive the benefits they deserve, the Attorney General clarified a confusing state law that was preventing veterans who served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan receive the property tax exemptions to which they are legally entitled. In addition, just this week, he proposed the TRAMS (Tax Relief For Active Military Service) Act to extend those valuable tax breaks to active-duty service members who own home in New York.

In October, Schneiderman issued a consumer advisory highlighting the protections available to members of the armed service and offering tips on avoiding scams targeting service members.

The Attorney General also helped 176 Fort Drum soldiers retrieve their vehicles this past July, following complaints that a local storage company was not properly maintaining the autos while the owners were stationed overseas.