
Dangerous “Weaponized Nostalgia” In America Is Being Used To Whitewash Uncomfortable Truths

By Derek Royden\PeaceVoice Photos: Wikimedia Commons\YouTube Screenshots “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, ...

In coming president

Joe Biden’s Proposed Cabinet–A Kinder and Gentler Imperialism

President-elect Joe Biden. On Nov. 7, President-elect Joe Biden said: “Tonight, the whole world is watching America. And I believe at our best, America ...

Promising to “revitalize American diplomacy,” the platform argues that, “rather than militarize our foreign policy,” the Democra

Where Does Democratic Party Stand on War, Peace, and International Relations?

[Democratic Party\Foreign Policy PeaceVoice\Wittner: “Democratic Party has outlined a program significantly different from that of its Republican counterpart. In this November’s elections, American voters ...


The Domestic “Surge”: Donald Trump’s Planned Police Assault on Black and Brown Communities

Trump. War-monger abroad; war-monger at home. Photo: Gage Skidmore   If withholding U.S. military aid from a neo-Nazi friendly government in Ukraine is unacceptable, ...

Protest in Iran

Foul Murder of Another Nation’s Hero, an American Disgrace

Iranians mourning and protesting the assassination of General  Qassem Soleimani.   by Diana Johnstone (posted by Ann Garrison)   The criminal assassination of General Qassem ...


What Many US Corporate Media Hide About Hong Kong Crisis

Photo: Voice of America — Public Domain   [International]   The protests in Hong Kong have been big in the news recently, but many ...


March for 8 Billion Lives, an Interview with Riva Enteen

  Organizers of the upcoming Women’s March on the Pentagon are calling on the Democratic Party-sponsored Women’s March and March for Our Lives to ...


March for Our Lives and the Rest of the World’s

In a promotional video for the March for Our Lives, former US soldiers say they don’t want the assault rifles that they’ve used abroad ...


Bravo To Julius Malema on African Unity; On Black Soldiers in U.S. However, They will always be Exploited

  Julius Malema. Photo: YouTube   I wish to comment on two articles, one about Julius Malema and African unity and the other about ...


America, Uganda, and the War on Terror

Photo: U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Mullin, II, Combined Joint Task Forces – Horn of Africa, marches with soldiers from the Uganda People’s Defence Force ...