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Luci Baines Johnson, daughter of President Lyndon Johnson, has been speaking out recently about the attacks on the voting rights legacy of her father.
President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law this past weekend, 56 years ago. As the landmark legislation is again being debated, Johnson’s daughter is taking up the cause.
Luci Baines Johnson was 18 when her father signed the act.“I stood behind my father on August 6, 1965, when he signed the Voting Rights Act into the law,” she said.
Now, at 74, she’s still standing behind her dad.
When asked if her father’s legacy was on the line, she said, “Well, let me put it this way. A lot has been dismantled.”
The youngest daughter of president Lyndon Johnson has embarked on a crusade for voting rights — one of the signature hallmarks of his administration.
Read rest of story here.