ACLU of Texas: Voter Suppression Battle “Isn’t Over”

Photo: ACLU

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Democrats Sunday night blocked the omnibus anti-voter bill, Senate Bill 7 by walking out of the Texas Legislature.

After the proponents of the bill manipulated countless rules to rush it through with minimal public input, House Democrats broke quorum, denying House Republicans the chance to vote on their much-sought after bill.

The House had considered S.B. 7 less than 24 hours after the Senate passed the bill in an all-night session. Defeating this voter suppression bill is a victory for democracy and those who defend civil liberties, including the countless Texans who raised their voices in opposition to the bill.

The anti-democratic legislation would have eliminated drive-through and 24-hour voting, created obstacles to vote-by-mail, and reduced drop boxes — targeting voting methods frequently used by people of color and people with disabilities. The bill also included an entirely un-vetted, last-minute provision that would have made overturning elections easier.

Sarah Labowitz, policy and advocacy director of the ACLU of Texas made the following statement:

“One of the ugliest anti-voter bills in the country died today in the 2021 Texas Legislature. Democratic lawmakers broke quorum in a courageous move that shows just how hard Texans will fight to protect their constitutional right to vote. The battle isn’t over — the ACLU of Texas is more committed than ever to holding Texas leaders accountable for their attempts to undermine democracy. We remain vigilant against any attempt to bring back this racist bill in a special session.”