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Former Alabama Sheriff’s Deputy Sentenced For Federal Civil Rights Offense Of Excessive Force

By DOJ Photos: Facebook Former Elmore County, Alabama, Sheriff’s Deputy Blake Hicks, 33, was sentenced today to 29 months in prison and three years of supervised release for depriving an arrestee of his civil rights under color of law. According to documents and statements made in court, Hicks willfully used unreasonable force against an arrestee,...

OECS Denounces U.S. Government’s ‘Baseless Accusations’ Of Terrorism Against Cuba And Continuing Embargo

By OECS Photos: YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) welcomes the recent decision by the Government of the United States of America (USA) to remove the Republic of Cuba from its list of States that are “not cooperating fully” in its fight against terrorism. The OECS notes, however, with alarming concern,...

CPJ: We Welcome Reports That WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Will Be Released In Plea Deal

By Committee To Protect Journalists Photos: Wikimedia Commons\YouTube Screenshots New York, June 24, 2024— The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes reports that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will be freed from prison in a plea deal with the United States Justice Department. “Julian Assange faced a prosecution that had grave implications for journalists and press freedom worldwide,”...


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