Yes, Kamala Harris Stands For Diversity And Equality – So Does America

By Jim Hightower

Photos: Ron Cogswell\ Flickr \YouTube Screenshots

Ted Cruz actually spoke the truth once. In 2016, when running for president against Trump, he said: “Donald has a problem with strong women. This is not subtle; it’s not complicated.”

Right! This truth is resurfacing now that Trump finds himself unexpectedly matched against a very formidable woman: Kamala Harris. Resorting to his old slap-em-down style, Trump immediately called Harris “dumb as a rock,” even as he mispronounced her name. He then had his press secretary flail at Harris as “weak” – yet adding that’s she “dangerously liberal.” So, she’s “weak…” yet dangerously strong.

Pathetically, MAGA-world is resorting to overtly racist, anti-female tropes to attack Harris, proclaiming her to be a “DEI vice president” – i.e., chosen solely because she’s a woman of color. “When you go down that road,” bellowed Rep. Tim Burchett, “you take mediocrity.” Tim, a mediocre, ethically-corrupt Trump-acolyte from Tennessee, has only one claim to fame: He once sponsored a bill to legalize the eating of roadkill.

Meanwhile, Trump’s own VP choice, J.D. Vance, piled on the Harris DEI attack. That’s awkward, since Vance, who falsely poses as a senatorial “hillbilly,” is the ultimate DEI product. A Yale law school graduate, he was hand-picked by Silicon Valley elites for plum jobs, then financed by right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel to run a hedge-fund hustle. Then Thiel gave $10 million to put Vance in US Senate. The smug senator now trashes Harris and her women supporters as “a bunch of childless cat ladies.”

Trump & his rich bros think trashing a strong woman is a “winner” – but they’re about to learn that this is an inclusive America… and Harris’ diversity is a strength.