Why LeBron is Right (and Zlatan is Wrong)


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critique of NBA superstar LeBron James' social and political activism.

Photo: YouTube

In a recent interview, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, a star soccer player at AC Milan and one of the most recognizable figures in world football, offered a direct critique of NBA superstar LeBron James’ social and political activism.

“He is phenomenal at what he’s doing, but I don’t like when people have some kind of status, they go and do politics at the same time,” Ibrahimovic said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. “Do what you’re good at. Do the category you do. I play football because I’m the best at playing football. I don’t do politics. If I would be a political politician, I would do politics.”

To which James quickly responded this way:

“I preach about my people and I preach about equality. Social injustice. Racism. Systematic voter suppression. Things that go on in our community. Because I was a part of my community at one point and saw the things that was going on and I know what’s going on still because I have a group of 300-plus kids at my school that are going through the same thing and they need a voice. And I’m their voice.”

James is right. And Ibra, as he is commonly known among soccer aficionados, is wrong.

Read rest of story here.

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