WBAI’s Black Star News radio show interviews Dr. Mohammed Nurhussein

[Black Star News Show\WBAI New York 99.5 FM Radio]
Host Milton Allimadi interviews retired Ethiopian-born medical doctor Mohammed Nurhussein about his new book “Made In Ethiopia.” In the second half-hour of the show Allimadi interviews Black Star News Managing Editor Colin Benjamin.
Photo: Dr. Mohammed Nurhussein

Tune in August 18 at 3 PM U.S. Eastern Standard Time to “Black Star News Show” on WBAI New York 99.5 FM Radio.

Host Milton Allimadi interviews retired Ethiopian-born medical doctor Mohammed Nurhussein about his new book “Made In Ethiopia” (Africa World Press, September 2020).

Dr. Nurhussein talks about growing up Muslim in Ethiopia –which identified itself officially as a Christian country– and attending predominantly Christian schools and facing discrimination that damaged his self-esteem from an early age. He was later identified as a talented student by Emperor Haile Selassie and recruited into the military and sent for medical training in Yugoslavia. Being recognized for his intelligence also boosted Dr. Nurhussein’s confidence and he was finally comfortable identifying himself as a Muslim Ethiopian.

Later, he was sent for specialized training in the U.S.—by the time he’d completed his training and prepared to return home, Selassie had been deposed by the military, bringing an end to centuries of imperial rule in Ethiopia. The military then turned against students and young intellectuals. Many were executed, including Dr. Nurhussein’s own younger brother. He couldn’t risk returning to the U.S. and sought asylum in the United States where he became a doctor at Downstate Medical Center.

In the second half-hour of the show Allimadi interviews Black Star News Managing Editor Colin Benjamin about his recent editorial “PBA and Trump: Racist Birds of a Feather Endorsing one Another” about Patrick Lynch the Police Benevolent Association’s President’s endorsement of Donald Trump.