Transition: Semu Mugabi Walusimbi

Services at First Congregational Church


Dear Ugandan Community and Friends,

On behalf of the Walusimbi Family, it is with great sadness that we announce the death of Mr. Semu Mugabi Walusimbi of Poughkeepsie New York, the Brother in Law of late, Andrew Lutakome Kayira and brother to the widow, Betty Kayira. Mugabi passed away on Thursday, October 31, 2013 after a long illness. He was 56 years old and survived with a wife, Anne Walusimbi, four (4) sons and eight (8) grand children.

He also survived with brothers, Sebagala Kimuli, Sebagala Ssengendo, Emmanuel Mutema; and sisters, Betty Kayira, Ester Mirembe-Mutema and Deborah Kiwummulo of all North America and Sarah Mutema of Kampala.

The deceased was born in Ndejje Bulemezi where he attended the Primary and Middle school before going to Wairak College in Busoga. He has been a strong community leader.

A celebration of his life and funeral services will take place on Sunday, November 3, 2013 at First Congregational Church (UCC), 269 Mill St  Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Church Phone (845) 454-29601.

Calling and Viewing hours 1:30 –3:30

Funeral Services 3:30 and soon thereafter reception at the same Church. Please inform all our other community members. Thank you.

You can call the family on 518 441 6910 or 518 421 0217-cell to give your condolences or email at  [email protected]   

His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.

Sent by: Ssabasajja Kabaka Representative Information Office
NY – NJ- PA & DA