Thabo Mbeki’s Missing Son

The boy went missing and is presumed to have been killed by South Africa’s apartheid secret police during it’s “dirty war,� when the younger Mbeki tried to join his father who was then in exile and the ANC’s foreign policy chief.

(Mbeki recalls the pain of losing a son).

Referring to new leads that weren’t elaborated on, the authorities in South Africa have announced a renewed search for the son of President Thabo Mbeki, missing since the 1980s. Mbeki fathered the long-missing son, Kwanda, when he was a teenager. Mbeki’s cousin and a brother also “disappeared” in the 1980s.

The boy went missing and is presumed to have been killed by South Africa’s apartheid secret police during it’s “dirty war,” when the younger Mbeki tried to join his father who was then in exile and the ANC’s foreign policy chief.
Mbeki last week wrote of the pain he still felt in his newsletter to ANC members: “I, too, and especially my mother, regret that the TRC [Truth and Reconciliation Commission] process did not succeed to unearth the truth about what happened to our loved ones who disappeared without trace.”

The bodies of hundreds of other ANC activists have never been found.

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