Texas Police Who Killed Black Man Won’t be Charged, Sparking Outrage

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North Texas police reform advocates are seething after a Denton County grand jury on Thursday declined to indict the officer who killed Darius Tarver, a 23-year-old University of North Texas student, in January 2020.

A criminal justice major seeking his second degree, Darius was a member of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement. His father is a chaplain for the McKinney Police Department.

The night he was shot, Darius’ family says he was in a mental health crisis; the week before, he’d been in a devastating car wreck that resulted in a traumatic brain injury.

Darius’ father, Kevin Tarver, is angry at the grand jury’s decision, but he told the Observer he’s not discouraged. The system that allowed the officer who killed his son to walk free needs to change, he said.

“It was still murder regardless of what the verdict was, so does that make you angry? Yeah,” Tarver said.

Read rest of story here.