Teiko’s Plus Beauty

“I completed an UN internship and it was an amazing opportunity to contribute to an organization which I have so much respect for.

Our Model Of The Day

Where She’s From:
Lovely Teiko Dornor was born in London, England. “My parents taught me that nothing is impossible, and I can do all things providing that I work hard,” she tells The Black Star News. “My mother, Ofosua, has always reminded me that as a child of God I am blessed and highly favored, and brothers and sister have really encouraged me to pursue my dreams over the years.”

Teiko went to school in Harrow, and then to the University of Reading where she  completed a degree in Politics and International Relations.

Where She’s At: “I loved. I began my career in modeling two years after I graduated,” she adds. “I have yet to reach the height of my career, I believe this is only the beginning. My aspirations include global domination. Being an established plus size super model and fulfilling my potential though Christ.”

“Trying to remain a faithful Christian, making the right choices for my life, which is so much easier said than done,” Teiko confides, when asked what challenges she faces and how she handles them. “And I’ve fallen down on many occasions, but I am definitely growing. Prayer gets me through and meditation. Making my opinion come first; choosing modeling as a career. I’ve heard all kinds of uncomplimentary stereotypes, I’ve had to defend my choices, but now I’ve come to a point where I make no apologies and being happy comes first.  Life is really too short.”

“I was especially proud of myself for spending four months in Lebanon just after graduation,” she continues, referring to her professional passion; global issues. “I completed an UN internship and it was an amazing opportunity to contribute to an organization which I have so much respect for. I am also co-founder of Miss Plus Africa (www.missplusafrica.org) It’s an organization which seeks to highlight the more curvaceous African woman, a group often ignored by mainstream media and put in an uncomplimentary box. The pageant will be held in Washington DC on November 3rd this year, I can’t wait.”

Where She’s Heading: “I’ve just been appointed editor of an online beauty boutique; it’s due later in the year,” the lovely tireless model continues. “I present a beauty segment on OBETV a television channel that airs across the UK, the rest of Europe and North Africa and it compliments my job perfectly. I’m fascinated by beauty and our perception of it.”

“I think it’s important because beauty is a gift, brainpower should give you the intelligence and wisdom you need; must utilize your gift,” Teiko says, when asked about the importance of combining beauty with brains.

So how does this elegant beauty prepare to step out? “I love beauty products! Aveda, Yaya cosmetics, Mac, Iman are personal favorites. I love Vera Wang the fragrance. With clothing it really depends, I love experimenting with bold colors, jeans by the house of Dereon, whenever I’m in the states I love Old Navy and Forever 21. When I want to dress it up, I love wearing classic items, Prada, Hermes and Valentino are favorites. I recently modeled for Doris and Doris a London based designer, and she has some great pieces.”

Teiko’s Words Of Wisdom:
“Live life without fear.”
Teiko’s Secrets Of Success: “Being honest with myself and believing in my dreams.”
Teiko’s Favorite Three Movies: “La Haine; Love brewed in an African Pot; and,
Breakfast At Tiffany’s.”
Teiko’s Favorite Three Books: “Book of Luke-Holy Bible; The Joys Of Motherhood- Buchi Emecheta; and, The Famished Road- Ben Okri.”
Three Leaders That Have Most Inspired Teiko: “Kwame Nkrumah; Nelson Mandela; and, Patrice Lumumba.”
First Three Teiko Would Do As US President: “Abolish the death sentence in all states; provide free college education; and, hire the best political advisors  and go on vacation.”
Teiko’s Five Favorite Musicians And Songs: “Sade-Kiss Of Life; Yolanda Adams-Open My Heart; Antonio Neal-All; Ofori Amponsah-Otoolege; and, Nelly Furtado-All Good Things. These songs have all been my soundtracks to my life at one stage or another.”

A Short Teiko Story: “Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, ‘All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.’ And Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve. Luke 4:5-8-NKJ version.”
For more on diplomat, model, entrepreneur Teiko, please visit www.myspace.com/teikodornor

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