the World Bank


Call For Justice: U.S. Must Do The Right Thing for Black Immigrant Whistle-blower Axed By World Bank

[Commentary]   The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr.   This is the story of racial injustice by The World Bank against a legal immigrant, ...


Uganda Church Leaders Tell U.S.-backed Dictator Museveni “Enough!”

Dictator Museveni thinks he can scare Ugandans by wearing uniform. Didn’t Idi Amin try that? Photo: Facebook. [Commentary] Now even Uganda’s normally conservative church ...


How The World Bank Finances Global “Land Grabs”, Violence and Evictions

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. Photo: Facebook [Commentary]   As the World Bank Group’s spring meetings get underway in Washington, DC, the Bank’s ...


Uganda: Remember Neglecting The Land Question Generally Leads To Revolutions

Uganda’s Gen. Yoweri Museveni — his NRM reneged on land promise In Uganda everyone is attached to the land. With the current United Democratic ...