Eric Kashambuzi


Message To African Leaders–For Development The Continent Must Industrialize

Ghana’s President Kwame Nkrumah was a strong proponent of Africa’s Industrialization Photo: Wikimedia Commons. [Letter from New York] From Adam Smith’s publication in 1776 ...


Why Is Uganda Worse off Today than When Colonialism Ended in 1962?

  The East African Presidents shortly after independence: Tanzania’s Julius Nyerere, Kenya’s Jomo Kenyatta and Uganda’s Milton Obote. Those were promising days.  Photo: Charleslincolnshire ...


Climate Disasters Destroys All — Youth Shouldn’t Lay Blame on the World’s Older Generation

Photo source: European Environment Agency   [Letter From New York]   Who is responsible for environmental degradation, climate change and global warming?   Between ...


Background On What the Annual UN General Assembly Is All About

[Letter from New York] U.N. headquarters. Photo: Javier Carbajal Commons Wikimedia  World leaders meet at the United Nations headquarters in New York City for ...


The 2030 Agenda: Why Vital Development Paradigm Shift Must Be Fully Embraced

United Nations headquarters. Photo: Javier Carbajal Wikimedia Commons   [Letter From New York]   As the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ...


The Stages of Growth: When Governments Fail to Create Enabling Environments

[Letter From New York] Yoweri Museveni. The Ugandan dictator for the past 33 years has failed to create an enabling environment to nurture development. ...


Uganda: What We Must Do To Recapture Our Lost Potential

  Obote and Kabaka Mutesa II. Political marriage of convenience ended badly. Photo: YouTube.   [Letter from New York]   Travelers, explorers and statesmen ...


Comment: Genesis of Modernization and Economic Development

Lee Kuan Yew, transformed Singapore in a generation from a low income country to one of the wealthiest. Photo: Wikipedia. Genesis of Modernization and ...


What Is To Be Done? Obstacles to Africa’s industrial development

Nkrumah shown with Kennedy during state visit to U.S. was Africa’s biggest champion of industrialization. Ironically the CIA was involved in his ouster during the ...


Uganda: Why People Power Must Also Embrace Older Patriotic Citizens

Eric Kashambuzi. [Letter from New York] A journalist once asked why the United Nations holds conferences on the same topics every year. The Secretary-General ...

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