plans to resume federal executions and procure pentobarbital sodium for use in such executions.

Pressley, Raskin Ask DOJ Whether Federal Executions Including By Lethal Injection Will Continue

WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), a member of the House Oversight Committee, and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Chairman of the Oversight Subcommittee ...

Over the past four years, white supremacist violence has spread across the United States at an alarming rate

CAP and the McCain Institute Present National Blueprint To End White Supremacist Violence

Photos: YouTubeOver the past four years, white supremacist violence has spread across the United States at an alarming rate, emerging as a top national ...

On Tuesday, for the fourth time, the Senate began an impeachment trial of a president.

Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial and the Fight Against Voter Suppression

Photos: YouTube On Tuesday, for the fourth time, the Senate began an impeachment trial of a president. Few who watched the video presented by ...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi outlines the next steps in Donald Trump's second impeachment trial as an article of impeachment will

Article of Impeachment Against Donald Trump To Be Delivered Monday

Photos: Wikimedia Commons In the following statement House Speaker Nancy Pelosi outlines the next steps in Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial, for inciting the ...

unprecedented efforts by the Trump Administration to withhold federal funds from Seattle, New York City, and Portland, Oregon

Democrats seek info on Trump’s efforts to withhold funds from “Anarchist Jurisdictions”

[Trump’s “Anarchist Jurisdictions” Designations] Democratic Chairs: “This bizarre treatment of great American cities appears to be political retaliation by President Trump against municipal authorities ...

President Trump's consistent undermining of the Census.

Democrats Respond to Trump’s Supreme Court Census Victory

[2020 Census] Rep. Jamie Raskin: “This Administration’s unceasing attacks on the Census are disgraceful, and I am profoundly disappointed in the Court’s decision to ...

many states have tried to encourage voters to cast their 2020 ballots by mail.

House Report: 20 Ways to Secure a Full and Fair Election During Covid

[2020 Election] Rep. Raskin: “We want to spread the word about how to make sure our election is fair and accurate. We want to ...

the failure to address white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement is not only a threat to the safety of Black and Brown

Experts Warn White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement Poses Threat

[White Supremacy in Law Enforcement] Rep. Raskin: “We must work to disentangle the police power of the state from groups and individuals that subscribe ...

How many "Ghost Skin" white supremacists do we have inside America's police departments?

White Supremacist Infiltration in Policing is “Clear and Present Danger” says Rep. Raskin

[White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement] FBI Assessment: “To what extent has infiltration into law enforcement adversely affected investigations into white supremacists?” Photo: Facebook



[Immigration\DACA\Child Separation] Acting ICE Director Matt Albence confirmed the Department of Homeland Security will pursue deportations for Dreamers. The Trump Administration separated more than ...