[2020 Census]
Rep. Jamie Raskin: “This Administration’s unceasing attacks on the Census are disgraceful, and I am profoundly disappointed in the Court’s decision to allow the Bureau to cut the count short.”
Photo: YouTube
Tuesday, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, issued this statement following the court ruling allowing the Census Bureau to prematurely end enumeration:
“The Supreme Court’s decision today to allow the Census Bureau to stop counting households before the end of October is truly disappointing, particularly since it simply ignores the clear legal points in Justice Sotomayor’s dissent. Under the Constitution, the federal government must conduct a complete and accurate Census, and this duty should not be trumped by adherence to a statutory deadline that never envisioned a once-in-a-generation pandemic and that experts have warned is impossible to meet without compromising the integrity of the Census.”
Rep. Jamie Raskin, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties issued this statement following the ruling:
“This Administration’s unceasing attacks on the Census are disgraceful, and I am profoundly disappointed in the Court’s decision to allow the Bureau to cut the count short. Again and again, career experts at the Census have told us that they need until October 31 to complete the count and that they need an extension beyond December 31 to produce accurate data. The Administration’s assertion otherwise is an unconvincing excuse for President Trump’s consistent undermining of the Census. The effects of this dreadful decision will reverberate for the next decade and beyond.”