President-Elect Biden

Upon the Senate’s passage Monday of the $908-billion COVID-19 spending package, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following

Sanders Talks About COVID Relief Bill and Opposition by Republicans, Democrats

Photos: YouTube Upon the Senate’s passage Monday of the $908-billion COVID-19 spending package, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement: “Tonight, Congress passed ...

Protect Our Care organization released a new report detailing priorities for addressing racial disparities in health care access

New Report Details Priorities For Addressing Racial Healthcare Disparities

Today, the Protect Our Care organization released a new report detailing priorities for addressing racial disparities in health care access and outcomes. Donald Trump’s ...

plea for the life of Brandon Bernard---who is set to be executed tonight by the Trump Administration

LDF To Courts: Stop Tonight’s Planned Execution of Brandon Bernard by Trump Administration

Photo: YouTube The following commentary, written by NAACP-LDF president Sherrilyn Ifill, is a plea for the life of Brandon Bernard—who is set to be ...

Kristen Clarke of Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law calls on the incoming Biden-Harris Administration to create a Vo

Why We Need A New Voting Rights Commission

Photo: Lawyer’s Committee The following commentary by Kristen Clarke of Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law calls on the incoming Biden-Harris Administration to ...

The U.S. Senate's grim reaper, Mitch McConnell, is known for killing meaningful legislation

Sanders Leads Democrats In Demanding COVID-19 Relief For Average Americans

Photo: YouTube The U.S. Senate’s grim reaper, Mitch McConnell, is known for killing meaningful legislation–and has been sitting on a COVID-19 relief bill for ...

President Trump is spending his days golfing...instead of doing his job overseeing America's COVID-19 response.

House Majority Leader Addresses COVID-19 Crisis as Trump Continues to Fail Nation

[COVID-19 Crisis] Hoyer: “President Trump is spending his days golfing and tweeting angrily about the election results instead of doing his job overseeing America’s ...

Next Secretary of State?

Uganda: U.S. Senator Coons, Possibly Next Secretary of State, Condemns Election Violence

  Senator Chris Coons, who is in the running to become Secretary of State when Joe Biden takes over as president has condemned the ...

“Today, there are rumors the President may be cleaning house at CISA

Rep. Thompson: Trump Rumored to be “cleaning house” at DHS

[Department of Homeland Security] Rep. Thompson: “Today, there are rumors the President may be cleaning house at CISA, with one high-level official reportedly asked ...

Barr’s dangerous and irresponsible impulse to pander to the President’s worst instincts.

Rep. Nadler: Barr Aiding Trump in spreading Lies about Election

[Attorney General William Barr] Rep. Nadler: “Attorney General Barr’s memo is both flawed and deeply disturbing… Barr cannot change the outcome of the election—but ...