[2020 Election]
BSN: “On Thursday, the catastrophic COVID-19 pandemic and its historic ill effects and disruption to multiple facets of American life hung over the debate like a dark storm cloud.”
Photo: YouTube
Patriot Prayer
We Must Defeat Trump along With His Make America White Again Racist Constituency
[Donald Trump & White Supremacy]
Benjamin: “Still, ask yourself this: with whom do we have a better chance of advancing our agenda? Republicans are always telling us about how President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.”
Photo: YouTube
Rittenhouse: officials were told to make comments sympathetic
[Kyle Rittenhouse]
NBC: “In preparing Homeland Security officials for questions about Rittenhouse from the media, the document suggests that they note that he ‘took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners.”
Photo: Twitter
Oregon Governor Announces Plan to End Violence in Portland
[Oregon Governor Kate Brown]
Brown: “We all must come together—elected officials, community leaders, all of us—to stop the cycle of violence…“We have seen the tragic outcome when armed right-wing vigilantes take matters into their own hands.”
Photo: YouTube
Portland: The Shooting War Has Started, It May Help Trump Reelection
[Portland Shooting\Trump Reelction]
Hastings: “As a social movement researcher and analyst, I will simply note that history teaches us that most violence backfires and the social movements that maintain nonviolent discipline are the ones who generally win.”
Photo: YouTube