[Movement for Black Lives]
M4BL: “We are asking people to take a stand today. Justice Ginsberg’s death is already being used as a pawn in a political game by those in power, but we are the ones with everything to lose.”
Photo: YouTube
Mitch McConnell
Black Women to Trump: Black Lives in Jeopardy Under Your Racist Presidency
[Black Women Leaders]
Black Women: “In these recent months, as we have faced the deaths of too many Black people, including Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and the attempted murder of Jacob Blake, you have shown no empathy for these lives lost or destroyed.’
Photo: Facebook
Dishonest Lindsey Graham Blames Jacob Blake for Getting Shot in Back
[South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham\Jacob Blake]
Benjamin: Let’s be clear on this: Senator Lindsey Graham is a dishonest fuc&ing liar. He is indicative of the deep deceit which exemplifies the current swampy Trumpian Republican Party which uses race-baiting and fearmongering of the “other.”
Photo: YouTube
What is Trump’s Real Objective in Creating Chaos ahead of Elections?
[2020 Elections\Donald Trump]
Glick: “In his twisted mind, he may have realized that, with the pandemic and the economic crisis and the broad support for anti-racism, his chances of winning are very low, so he’s angling for another kind of victory.”
Photo: YouTube
Donald Trump and America’s Real Organized Crime Looters
[Trump’s Presidency of Corruption]
Hastings: “Organized crime carried on as usual, figuring out how to use punked legislators to enrich the wealthy even more at the direct expense of everyone who pays taxes.”
Photo: YouTube
House Democrats to Republican Senate: Pass George Floyd Policing Act!
[George Floyd Justice in Policing Act]
Rep. Meeks: “Changing the culture of law enforcement requires both transparency and accountability of officers.”
Photo: YouTube
AFT’s Weingarten to McConnell: Take Up HEROES Act Now
Weingarten: “It’s a dereliction of duty for Mitch McConnell to go on vacation in July without passing the federal investment our schools desperately need to safely reopen this fall…McConnell and Republican senators to take up the HEROES Act.”
Photo: YouTube
Is Climate Movement Reaching Turning Point After Recent Victories?
[Future Hope Column]
Glick: “Why all of these very big victories right now?…This historic week happened during an historic Black Lives Matter uprising that has seen more people taking part in more, and more broadly-spread demonstrations, against racism and injustice.”
Photo: YouTube
[COVID-19\School Budgets]
Albert Shanker Institute President and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten says: “We can’t forfeit our students’ future because of the coronavirus pandemic.”
Photo: YouTube