Mitch McConnell

The U.S. Senate's grim reaper, Mitch McConnell, is known for killing meaningful legislation

Sanders Leads Democrats In Demanding COVID-19 Relief For Average Americans

Photo: YouTube The U.S. Senate’s grim reaper, Mitch McConnell, is known for killing meaningful legislation–and has been sitting on a COVID-19 relief bill for ...

Rev. Warnock and Ossoff have put forth a moderate platform for change. Both support immediate action to forestall an economic co

Georgia Runoffs Will Decide Whether Republicans Obstruct Biden-Harris Presidency

Photo: YouTube Georgia runoff victories by Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are necessary to stop routine obstruction of the Biden-Harris agenda by Mitch ...

As Trump announces troop withdrawals in Afghanistan, will he also start a war with Iran before he is removed from the White Hous

Will Trump Start War with Iran While Withdrawing Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan?

[War with Iran\Iraq\Afghanistan] PeaceVoice\Koehler: “And the fact that Trump, at least theoretically, could also start a war before he leaves office — indeed, that ...

What is Donald Trump’s game? In defying the vote numbers and urging rejection of a Joe Biden victory

Donald Trump’s End Game: To Control Republican Party, Run For Presidency in 2024

[Donald Trump\2020 Election] PeaceVoice\Mel Gurtov: “I think Trump is enough of a realist to realize that he has lost in a fair and free ...

President-elect Joe Biden will be preoccupied with creating a 100-day action agenda.

“Operation Renewal”: Ten-Point First 100-Day Plan for President Biden

[President-elect Joe Biden\100-day action agenda] PeaceVoice\Mel Gurtov: “In the next several weeks, President-elect Joe Biden will be preoccupied with creating a 100-day action agenda. ...

Male domination continues to play too big a role in aggravating the divide that afflicts us.

To heal America, Racism—and White Male Patriarchy—must end

[White Male Patriarchy] PeaceVoice\Rob Okun: “We may have begun to acknowledge that racism has its knee on the necks of Black people, but to ...

Senate ignored the needs and will of the American people to confirm a Supreme Court Justice who will have a detrimental impact o

Amy Barrett Confirmation Is “Grotesque Hypocrisy” By Republicans–Jumaane Williams

[Judge Amy Coney Barrett] Williams: “This action by Republican Senators and the Trump administration is among the most grotesque embraces of hypocrisy in order ...

The president who endangers his most loyal supporters with campaign rallies, many of them indoors, lacking adherence to safety

Why I Don’t Wish Donald Trump Well in his Battle Against COVID-19

[PeaceVoice\Steve Klinger] Klinger:” I don’t wish his death, and likely martyrdom, but I wouldn’t mind a bit if he gets a good taste of ...

with his new book, Rise Up: Confronting A Country At The Crossroads, Reverend Al Sharpton outlines his unrelenting position on t

Al Sharpton Talks Misconceptions About His Legacy in Civil Rights

[Reverend Al Sharpton] Kugel: As Sharpton, himself, put it to me during our conversation, “People have called me an ambulance chaser, but we are ...

“The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act has been sitting on Mitch McConnell’s desk over in the Senate for exactly 90 days.

Rep. Bass Slams Breonna Taylor Ruling: “They got away With Murder”

[Breonna Taylor] Rep. Bass: “Passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act means that when incidents like this happen again, the officers are indicted ...