[War with Iran\Iraq\Afghanistan]
PeaceVoice\Koehler: “And the fact that Trump, at least theoretically, could also start a war before he leaves office — indeed, that any president could do so at any time — displays the planet’s geopolitical shortcomings in naked relief.”
Photo: YouTube
Mitch McConnell
Will Trump Start War with Iran While Withdrawing Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Donald Trump’s End Game: To Control Republican Party, Run For Presidency in 2024
[Donald Trump\2020 Election]
PeaceVoice\Mel Gurtov: “I think Trump is enough of a realist to realize that he has lost in a fair and free election…There is also calculation: He is looking for a path back to power in 2024.”
Photo: Photo: Gage Skidmore\Wikimedia Commons
“Operation Renewal”: Ten-Point First 100-Day Plan for President Biden
[President-elect Joe Biden\100-day action agenda]
PeaceVoice\Mel Gurtov: “In the next several weeks, President-elect Joe Biden will be preoccupied with creating a 100-day action agenda. It might be called ‘Operation Renewal.’ Here are my top-10 choices, in no particular order.”
Photo: Gage Skidmore\Wikimedia Commons
To heal America, Racism—and White Male Patriarchy—must end
[White Male Patriarchy]
PeaceVoice\Rob Okun: “We may have begun to acknowledge that racism has its knee on the necks of Black people, but to fully heal America we’ll have to admit patriarchy has its other knee on the necks of women.”
Photo: YouTube
Amy Barrett Confirmation Is “Grotesque Hypocrisy” By Republicans–Jumaane Williams
[Judge Amy Coney Barrett]
Williams: “This action by Republican Senators and the Trump administration is among the most grotesque embraces of hypocrisy in order to grab at power in recent history, and history will condemn it as its corrosive impact on our country reverberates for decades.”
Photo: YouTube
Why I Don’t Wish Donald Trump Well in his Battle Against COVID-19
[PeaceVoice\Steve Klinger]
Klinger:” I don’t wish his death, and likely martyrdom, but I wouldn’t mind a bit if he gets a good taste of the vicious virus he has downplayed and denied, and if it impedes his re-election effort and his stamina or capacity to contest or otherwise tamper with the election.”
Photo: YouTube
Al Sharpton Talks Misconceptions About His Legacy in Civil Rights
[Reverend Al Sharpton]
Kugel: As Sharpton, himself, put it to me during our conversation, “People have called me an ambulance chaser, but we are the ambulance.”
Photo: Hanover Square Press
Rep. Bass Slams Breonna Taylor Ruling: “They got away With Murder”
[Breonna Taylor]
Rep. Bass: “Passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act means that when incidents like this happen again, the officers are indicted and convicted for their crimes.”
Photo: YouTube