
Gen. Museveni

In Uganda, Chickens Come Home To Roost: Comparing the Masaka Killings to Luwero in 1980s

Ugandan dictator Gen. Museveni. Photo: Facebook [The View From Uganda] The death toll has now climbed to 25 murders perpetrated by machete-wielding thugs in ...

Gen. Museveni

Crossroads: It’s Either Museveni Or the Ugandan State—The Two Can’t Co-exist

Gen. Museveni–Uganda’s most sectarian ruler since independen in 1962.   Historians and experts on predicting the future of States, particularly the rise and fall ...


Red Line: Why Ugandans Won’t Let Dictator Museveni Lift Constitutional Age-Limit

Gen. Museveni. Uganda’s land-grabber-in-chief in the familiar pose of tyrants. [Comment] There is no doubt about it, the freedom struggles against Gen. Yoweri Museveni’s ...


Buganda’s Resentment Of Obote’s Legacy Helps Museveni’s Vision For Pan- Ethnic Tutsi Empire

Many Baganda resent Obote and his legacy– Gen. Museveni exploits this {Global Commentary: Uganda] Baganda Need Pragmatism To Address Real Challenge In their understandable ...


Narrative Shift: U.S. Lawyer Highlights Kagame’s Role In Rwanda Genocide And Habyarimana Assassination

Gen. Paul Kagame — even corporate media are now re-evaluating the narrative placing him as “savior” [The Rwanda Calamity In Perspective] April 6 marks ...


Following His Recent ‘Apology’ Comments, Uganda’s Gen. Yoweri Museveni Must Face Legal Consequences For Mass Crimes Committed By His Army

Man in the news. Maybe Uganda’s Gen. Museveni believes after 28 years the arms of justice are closing on him? [Africa: Commentary] At face ...

Otunnu Challenges Museveni On Mysterious Deaths While Answering “Defamation”

UPC Party Chief Otunnu [Op-Ed] UPC, president, Mr. Olara Otunnu, will appear in Buganda Road court today at 9:00 a.m. to answer two  criminal ...