
Karamojong women and children

UGANDA: Hunger-Related Mortality in Karamoja Continues Despite the “4Kgs” Government Food Donation

Karamojong women and children in search of food in Agago District in Acoli Sub –Region –Photo by Jesse Johnson James Despite the government donation ...

Gen. Museveni

When God Wanted To Exonerate Idi Amin, He Gave Museveni To Uganda

Military dictator Gen. Museveni. Photo: Facebook.  [My Free Thoughts] Kakwenza Rukirabashaija Gen. Yoweri Museveni’s outright deception has begun to stress some of us so ...

35 years of kleptocracy

The Problem With General Museveni I: He Has No Exit Strategy

General Museveni. No way out? Photo: Wikimedia Commons. [Speaking Truth To Power] The problem with Uganda’s dictator Yoweri Museveni is that he’s backed himself ...


London: Diaspora Ugandans Protest Deadly Lawless Land-grabs By Country’s Dictator Gen. Museveni For “Investors”

Ugandan Diaspora in U.K. protest the deadly lawless regime land-grabs for foreign investors in their homeland.  [Comment: Open Letter] Statement by Ugandans in the ...


Museveni Minister Blames Victims For Calamity Caused By War Between Regime And LRA

Musa Ecweru: Has the Dishonorable minister lost his mind? [Letter To The Editor] The article in Uganda’s Acholi Times “Acholi elders are to blame ...