Museveni Minister Blames Victims For Calamity Caused By War Between Regime And LRA

Musa Ecweru: Has the Dishonorable minister lost his mind?

[Letter To The Editor]

The article in Uganda’s Acholi Times “Acholi elders are to blame for the two decade calamity and its aftermath” states that Uganda’s Minister of state for Disaster Preparedness, Musa Ecweru said that Acholi elders are to blame for the over two decades of brutal war and the continued lack of progress towards reconstruction of the region.

I find the remarks by Ecweru rather tactless. They are a mockery and contempt of the efforts by Acoli elders who under difficult conditions have continued to strive, to promote peace and restore infrastructure in the region. Thus, I would like to take the liberty of bringing Ecweru up to date on certain issues he may not be aware of.

Firstly, in chairing the task force of the Acoli Religious Leaders Peace Initiative, we visited the internally displaced person’s (IDP) camps where the people lived in squalid conditions. I witnessed first-hand an entire society systematically destroyed, emotionally, physically, culturally, socially, and economically – in full view of the international community. Where was Musa Ecweru then?

The Acoli religious leaders requested audience with the President however, I am not aware if he eventually accepted to meet them. Unlike Ecweru who is paid for his work, I worked gratis to develop the Aide memoire submitted to UNDP.

Secondly, it is even more appalling for Ecweru to have made the remarks during the international celebrations to mark United Nations’ 68 birthday themed “promoting youth engagement in recovering northern Uganda and promoting good governance” Ecweru should have instead, addressed those government officials who were implicated in embezzling money which was allocated to the Post-conflict recovery plan designed to eradicate poverty in Northern Uganda.

Thirdly, as a parting rumble to those who think Acoli people do not want peace, I am reminded of the Acoli words “Ter mot mot” – “take it easy”. In pursuing your goals, please do not dance on the graves of the elders and those who died in the IDP camps and those who were victims of the 25 years insurgencies in Northern Uganda including the people of Teso, Karamoja, Lango, Acoli, Alur and West Nile.


Eve Lawino Abe PhD, Ethologist and Wildlife Consultant