
The Battle of ADWA

Battle of ADWA, Ethiopian Victory Against Imperialism, E-book Now on Amazon

“ADWA: Empress Taytu & Emperor Menelik in Love & War,” the story about Ethiopia’s epic 19th century victory over an Italian army seeking to ...

Nkrumah and Kennedy

Burkina Faso Coup and Other Woes—United States of Africa remains Imperative

Kwame Nkrumah shown with Kennedy during a state visit to the United States in 1961. The U.S. was already working to depose him. In ...

Ethiopians defeat the Italians

Imperial Reckoning: At Battle of Adwa, Empress Taytu and Emperor Menelik Led Ethiopia to Great Victory over Italian Colonialism

I’ve just launched a kickstarter campaign to raise funds to produce my graphic book “ADWA: Empress Taytu And Emperor Menelik In Love and War.” ...

Malcolm X

Malcolm X’s 96th Birthday—Honor Legacy By Building Stronger Bonds With Africa

Malcolm X. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Library of Congress.  Malcolm X, who would be 96 years old today, was a great Pan-African visionary who understood the ...

President Magufuli

Africa: Covid-19 Vaccine Imperialism And Other Challenges

Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli. Covid? What covid? Photo: Facebook  Covid-19 Hegemony: African countries are not looking to their home-grown manufacturing capacity and solutions ...

African opinion

Trump vs Biden: What Impact Will U.S. Presidential Election Have On Africa?

Biden seems headed to narrow Electoral College victory and sizable win in popular votes. Photos: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons [Opinion]   History is cyclical. The ...

Brilliant scholar

Walter Rodney: The Petit Bourgeoise Can Only Lead Africa And Caribbean To Destruction

Rodney. Photo:    [From The Archives]   Part one of excerpt of a 1978 speech by Walter Rodney. Dr. Rodney was the author ...


Towards Economic Revolution, Democracy and True Independence In United Africa — Julius Malema

  [From The Archives] Julius Malema on the floors of South African Parliament. Photo-YouTube   Excerpts from Julius Malema’s November 26,  2015 comments at ...


Battling ISIS: In Mid-East My Enemy’s Enemy Is Not My Friend

ISIS on rampage in Iraq [Commentary] Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once observed, “The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending ...