

As Eastern Congo Burns Due To MONUSCO’s Incompetence, Kagame’s Militarism And Threats Add Instability To Region

Rwanda’s President Kagame. Photo: via Wikimedia Commons [Commentary]   Kagame rules a nation of sorrows. Rwanda’s traumatized people (Hutu, Tutsi and Twa) are too familiar ...


Wikileaks: Rwandan Reconciliation Is a Lie

  Last Sunday I joined the three-day YouTube vigil for imperiled Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The next day I realized that I must have ...


Rwanda: Dr. Léopold Munyakazi to be deported Friday, 11.13.2015

11.16.2015 UPDATE:  Dr. Munyakazi’s deportation has been suspended until the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals can review his case.  11.13.2015 UPDATE:  This morning Dr. ...


Multi-ethnic Rwanda Opposition Group Lauds U.K. Arrest of Kagame’s Intelligence Chief, Gen. Karake

Rwanda’s Gen. Paul Kagame–removing term limits would allow him to rule perpetually Rwanda is a small country full of big drama. One such drama ...


Given Its Lessons In Recovery From Terror-State Germany Shouldn’t Embrace Gen. Kagame-Regime

Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier with Gen. Kagame [An Open Letter to the German Foreign Minister] Feb. 26, 2015 Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier Minister of Foreign Affairs ...


UN’s Congo Offensive: Africa Betrayed Again

U.S.-backed genocidal Gen. Kagame On January 5, 2015 the United Nations announced that offensive operations by its forces, known as MONUSCO, along with Congolese ...


Rwanda Faces War Or Peace: U.S. And U.K. Have A Choice In The Matter

A former Rwanda ambassador to Washington and chief of staff to President Kagame pens an urgent appeal to President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron ...


Killing Centers: How Rwanda’s Paul Kagame Uses Diplomatic Embassies For Assassinations

Gen. Paul Kagame. His former ambassador to U.S. says he’s turned embassies into dens of criminal activity President Paul Kagame’s 20 year reign of ...


Buganda’s Resentment Of Obote’s Legacy Helps Museveni’s Vision For Pan- Ethnic Tutsi Empire

Many Baganda resent Obote and his legacy– Gen. Museveni exploits this {Global Commentary: Uganda] Baganda Need Pragmatism To Address Real Challenge In their understandable ...