Hillary Clinton

The Sorrows Of Vlad The Mad Conqueror: A Satire

Photos: YouTube Screenshots Striding masterfully through St. George’s Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, Vlad the Conqueror turned his thoughts once again to his place in ...

Letter To The Editor: Mrs. Clinton, Your Position On Gaza War Is Pure Propaganda

Photos: YouTube Screenshots The following letter to the editor, criticizing Hillary Clinton’s stance on Netanyahu’s Gaza War on Palestinians, was sent by Utah resident ...

Barack Obama

In “A Promised Land” Obama Admits He Wasn’t Firm Enough on Wall Street for Excesses

Barack Obama–image from book jacket. Obama’s “A Promised Land,” a book review by Ted Glick.   I’ve read Barack Obama’s two other books, “Dreams ...

Trump has been the champion of the deplorables

Where Will Donald Trump’s Deplorables and White Evangelicals Go Now?

[Donald Trump’s “Deplorables”] PeaceVoice\James Haught: “Trump has been the champion of the deplorables. He showed everyone how large their cohort is in America. Presumably, ...

VP under Biden?

What About President Biden and Vice President Pence? Preposterous? Read My Column

Michael Pence. Photo: Gage Skidmore.   By the time you read this article, election day will probably have passed and hopefully you will know ...

The Ace

Barack Obama: X Factor in Pushing Biden over Finish Line in 2020 Presidential Election?

[2020 Election\Barack Obama] Barack Obama: “More than 225,000 people in this country are dead. More than 100,000 small businesses have closed. Half a million ...

with his new book, Rise Up: Confronting A Country At The Crossroads, Reverend Al Sharpton outlines his unrelenting position on t

Al Sharpton Talks Misconceptions About His Legacy in Civil Rights

[Reverend Al Sharpton] Kugel: As Sharpton, himself, put it to me during our conversation, “People have called me an ambulance chaser, but we are ...

Kamala Harris: Let’s Fight for the “America We Know is Possible”

[Sen. Kamala Harris] Harris: “Right now, we have a president who turns our tragedies into political weapons. Joe will be a president who turns ...


Democrats and Biden Beating Trump’s Republicans on Identity Politics

[2020 Elections] Five-Thirty-Eight: “America is talking about identity and race, and so are both presidential candidates. And all that racial talk seems to be ...


Donald Trump and America’s Real Organized Crime Looters

[Trump’s Presidency of Corruption] Hastings: “Organized crime carried on as usual, figuring out how to use punked legislators to enrich the wealthy even more ...

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