
NBA’s approach to law enforcement reform will be on full display as the Finals start on Wednesday

NBA Brings Social Justice Fight to the Finals

[NBA Finals\Social Justice] The NBA’s approach to law enforcement reform will be on full display as the Finals start on Wednesday, September 30, at ...


Seeds: What kind are you sowing?

Chattanooga, Tennessee is a beautiful, small city bordering the Tennessee River. I’ve been blessed to have visited Chattanooga many times over the years – ...



CHAINS ON MY LIFE On the continent of rare jewels forged from the earth, I gained prosperity with my dreams. Daybreak find me running ...

Free Radical molecule

An Open Letter to Free Radicals

The term “free radicals” means different things in different venues. Biochemically, free radicals refers to a group of atoms which have at least one ...


Biased “Freedom”: Indiani Digs Itself Into Deeper Hole, Before Digging Out

What was Gov. Pence thinking?  [Commentary] The American humorist Will Rogers would say: “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” The meaning ...