[2020 Election\Joe Biden]
BSN: “Black Star News endorses Joe Biden as the only rational choice to be America’s next president. Donald Trump must be removed from the White House–even if he goes kicking and screaming.”
Photo: YouTube
Colin Kaepernick
Black America Can’t Afford Four More Years of Donald Trump
Bernard Lagat: Athletics “not doing enough” on Social Justice
[Bernard Lagat]
Bernard Lagat: “Sometimes I feel like we [in athletics] are not doing enough. But at least if you try even if I do a little bit of my share at least it is hitting somewhere, it is getting somewhere rather than me being quiet.”
Photo: YouTube
Some Cowboys fans wondering why Colin Kaepernick wasn’t signed
[Colin Kaepernick]
CBS: “When the team took to Twitter to make the announcement, there were some fans wondering why the organization didn’t sign Kaepernick instead.”
Photo: YouTube
Prominent Black Women Send “Love Letter” to WNBA Players
[WNBA\Social Injustice]
Letter: “What is equally admirable is that many of you are making your voices heard off the court as well. There are countless examples of you engaging in protests in your own communities and working to effect positive change.”
Photo: YouTube