[White Male Patriarchy]
PeaceVoice\Rob Okun: “We may have begun to acknowledge that racism has its knee on the necks of Black people, but to fully heal America we’ll have to admit patriarchy has its other knee on the necks of women.”
Photo: YouTube
Boogaloo Boys
To heal America, Racism—and White Male Patriarchy—must end
We Must Defeat Trump along With His Make America White Again Racist Constituency
[Donald Trump & White Supremacy]
Benjamin: “Still, ask yourself this: with whom do we have a better chance of advancing our agenda? Republicans are always telling us about how President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.”
Photo: YouTube
Trump’s America and The Last Stand of White Male Patriarchy
[White Patriarchy]
PeaceVoice\Okun: “How is it possible that once again —just as in scores of mass shootings—few commentators are willing to state the obvious: all the white supremacists in the spotlight are men.”
Photo: YouTube
Trump and his Rioters Plan to Steal Election Using 12th Amendment
[2020 Election\12 Amendment]
Palast: “Trump let the cat out of the bag: he expects to invoke the 12th Amendment loophole…What’s the solution? Massive in-person early voting. Go mid-week when there are no lines. Bring mask, gloves, sanitizer, ID and resolve.”
Photo: YouTube
How Safe is Vote by Mail?
[Greg Palast\2020 Election]
Palast: “Well, I’m saying with the title, How Trump Stole 2020, that he’s already stolen it, that is we’ve wiped out 17 million voters off the voter rolls — overwhelmingly African-American and young, that is the bluish voters. But we can’t steal it back.”
Photo: YouTube