Ann Coulter


Wall of Madness: Trump’s “Emergency” Declaration to Blunt Attacks From Ann Coulter

Trump. He should be walled from the rest of the country. Photo: Gage Skidmore–Flickr   [Commentary]   As President Trump signed his declaration of ...


Rep. Rashida Tlaib Sounded Like A Nun Compared To Sewer-Mouth Donald Trump

Donald Trump. The Nation’s Great Liar. Photo: Gage Skidmore–Flickr.     While the Trump shutdown enters its third week, certain Republicans seem more offended ...


Fantasy Border Wall: How GOP Enables Failing President Trump’s Delusion

Trump and a failing presidency. Photo: Gage Skidmore–Flickr. Donald Trump is terrible at the job he was elected to do. Instead of growing into ...


Trump And the Wall: He’s Gutless, Clueless, Inept, Incompetent, Race-baiting Captive of Rightwing Media

Donald Trump. President know-nothing. Photo: Gage Skidmore–Flickr. Recently, President Donald Trump brazenly boasted to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and incoming House Speaker Nancy ...


Trump Condemned for Slashing U.S. Refugee Admissions By Major National Media

  Trump. Photo: Gage Skidmore-Flickr.    Leading editorial boards and expert observers across the nation have condemned the Trump administration’s announcement that it would ...

2017-09-21 12

Poll Shows Majority of GOP Favor Solution for DREAMERS Impasse –Not Deportations

Trump has solid backing for DREAMERS’ deal While Ann Coulter and fellow travelers may be up in arms about the prospect of a bipartisan ...

2017-08-21 16

Trump And Arpaio: Will POTUS Preach Hate in Phoenix Speech?

Arpaio–leading hatemonger and Birther could be pardoned by Trump. Photo: Gage Skidmore-Flickr The past few weeks have brought home for many what has been ...


Uganda Elections 2016: Towards Another Rigged NRM Vote

Gen. Museveni; after 30 years dictatorship, looks to extend in February [Africa Commentary: Uganda] Wherever you turn in Uganda you see signs of failure ...


On Soccer: Ann Coulter, Don’t Hate, Participate 

Ann Coulter I am a big sports fan. I have been since I realized in middle school that in spite of having speed to ...