They all can’t breathe
[Justice For Michael Brown And Eric Garner And Others]
The Stop Mass Incarceration Network Kicks Off Week of Outrage Actions #WeekofOutrage
Following an emergency meeting Sunday afternoon, The Stop Mass Incarceration Network has kicked off “The Week of Outrage To Stop Police Murder” with a press conference announcing a week of activities in solidarity with the protests that have erupted nation-wide over the non-indictments of Officers Pantaleo and Darren Wilson calling for an end to police violence and its systemic non-indictment.
Carl Dix, co-founder of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, was joined outside City Hall yesterday afternoon by Elena Cohen, President of the New York Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, artist and NYC Revolution Club member Jamel Mims, as well as parents of victims of police murder, Juanita Young and Nicholas Heyward Sr.
“Our message is very simple,” said Mr. Dix. “Since the ‘normal routine’ of America has always included murder of Black and Latino people by law enforcement, this week, that ‘normal routine must be disrupted.’”
A weeklong program of artist-led activity, non-violent civil resistance, student activity, “Blow the Whistle & Speak Out” initiatives at precincts in targeted communities, mass demonstrations in NYC and Washington DC, as well as faith community participation were outlined.
“I have made many pleas over many years to many elected officials, and they have all fallen on deaf ears, “ Mr. Heyward, father to 13-year-old Nicholas Heyward Jr., whose 1994 death at the hands of police officer was not even presented to a grand jury told reporters this afternoon. “So my plea today is for the people to continue organizing and uprising so that we can put an end to police brutality and police murder.”
The actions to be undertaken in the next twenty-four hours are as follows:
· Flash Mob, Tuesday, Dec. 9th, 5:00 PM: gathering at the north end of Union Square, protestors are encouraged to bring black t-shirts to be stenciled “I Can’t Breathe.” No previous experience necessary, on the spot training will be held on site before the flash mob moves through the city.
· Non-Violent Civil Resistance, Dec. 9th, 2:00pm, Herald Square at 34th Street
· Teach In for High School Students: “What’s the big deal? What’s my role? What can I do?” Dec. 10th, 3:30pm, George Washington High School on 192nd Street.
· “Broken Windows” Kills, Dec. 10th, 4:00pm, Manhattan Institute, 52 Vanderbilt Ave.
· Dec. 10th, People’s Power Assembly Mass Meeting Against Police Brutality/Black Lives Matter, 6:30pm, Solidarity Center.