Somalia Reinstated As TPS-Eligible Due To Ongoing Struggles

Photos: AFSC\Twitter

Monday, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas announced an 18-month extension and re-designation of Somalia for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), effective September 18, 2021 through March 17, 2023.

Opportunity for All, a campaign of We Are All America, applauds the decision to redesignate Somalia, whose status had not been redesignated since 2012, despite ongoing armed conflict, natural disasters, and disease outbreaks.

“As a proud Somali-American and former refugee, it brings me joy to hear the news of the extension and re-designation of Somalia for Temporary Protected Status. This news will change the lives of hundreds of Somali nationals, and will open opportunities for people to seek out the American dream. The United States has been a nation of refuge for many, and it is heartwarming to see our country embrace Somalis once again,” said Oregon Senator Kayse Jama.

According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), current Somali beneficiaries of TPS can re-register during the 60-day registration period that the federal government will announce in the Federal Register notice. The re-designation of Somalia will allow approximately 100 additional Somalian individuals to apply for TPS if they have continuously resided in the U.S. since July 19, 2021 and are otherwise eligible. TPS holders are also eligible for Employment Authorization Documents and for travel authorization.

“It is important for Somali people to have the tools needed to succeed in life. Many Somalis have endured hardship in the form of violence, natural disasters, food insecurity, and disease. Now is the time that we invest in our community, and provide them the opportunities they need to flourish. The extension and re-designation of Temporary Protected Status for Somalia is the first step to open doors for Somalis and provide them with a sense of safety and security that all people deserve,” added Fartun Weli, executive director of Isuroon.

Last week, the Ready to Stay coalition launched, a one-stop shop for immigrants, including potential TPS beneficiaries, to get the most current news on immigration policy changes and connect with trustworthy immigration legal services to adjust their immigration status.

Opportunity for All