Smashing Ulysses’ Face

[Reader’s Letter]

Regarding “smashing” of Ulysses’ face by police in Troy, Alabama — American society and its ferocious and congenital racism isn’t going to change any time soon.

This uncomfortable but undeniable fact is reaffirmed for us every day. Perhaps we can cope with this historical reality for another four hundred years or perhaps we can find the courage and strength to resist and do away with this state sanctioned terror.

Either way the road ahead is breathtaking and uninviting. Who in their right mind would dare to confront the eight hundred pound gorilla in his own cage? King David had his hands full with just having to fight Goliath and here we are facing the most powerful government in human history.

Most of the victims of police terror and the social degradation which accompanies it are content to suffer in silence and live with their fingers crossed so as to be lucky enough to not be victimized. Are we a nation of dead ducks or do we still have any signs of humanity left with which to live with dignity and solve our problems? We don’t have many choices but we do have some. It will depend upon the courage and imagination which we can call upon to act.

Only man can solve human problems!