Saif Ali Khan is a renowned Bollywood actor. On January 16, 2025, he was attacked at his home. The intruder stabbed him six times. The incident happened around 3 AM. Saif was alone at the time of injury. Along with him, another staff member has been attacked. The investigation is ongoing about the same. Continue reading to learn all about Saif Ali Khan being attacked at his home in Mumbai.
Who is Saif Ali Khan?
Saif is a prominent Bollywood celebrity. The actor has performed in a plethora of films. He is renowned for his roles in “Omkara”, “Dil Chahta Hai” and “Tashan”. He married the iconic actress, Kareena Kapoor. She has also acted in various Hindi films. The couple tied the knot on October 16, 2012. Together, they have two children, Taimur and Jeh. The couple recently returned from Switzerland. They were on a family holiday during the New Year celebrations.
Medical Treatment
After the attack, they took Saif to Lilavati Hospital for treatment. The staff now confirmed that he is out of danger. Dr. Niraj Uttamani is the Chief Operating Officer at the hospital. He has confirmed that the actor underwent a 2.5-hour neurosurgery. Along with this, another plastic surgery is also on the way.
The police have filed an FIR against the intruder. The attacker entered the home when the actor was asleep. A scuffle broke out when Saif woke up. He confronted the attacker. The attacker stabbed him six times. Then, the intruder then fled the scene as other members of the household woke up. Two of the stab wounds are deep. They are located near his spine. The hospital staff is also handling the other injuries.
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Interrogation of the Staff
The police are questioning three attendants who work at his home. The Mumbai Crime Branch is also involved in the process. They have formed seven teams. This is to search for the suspect. Moreover, they are also reviewing CCTV footage. Some teams have already left to scour different areas of Mumbai. Others are searching outside the city.
Officials from the Mumbai Crime Branch are at the investigation. Officer Daya Nayak is also part of the team. They visited his house as part of the investigation. Some suspects have already been held for questioning.
Official Statements from Saif Ali Khan’s Family
The family has released an official statement. It has been confirmed that there was an attempted burglary at his residence. The statement requested patience from his fans and media. Moreover, they urged that the police should handle the case.
Along with this, Kareena Kapoor Khan’s team has also issued a statement. They have assured that he is out of danger. Currently, he is being treated at the Lilavati Hospital. Alongside, the rest of the family is also fine.
Details of the Surgery
Dr. Niraj stated that the actor was brought to the hospital late at night. He was brought in at 3.30 AM. Currently, he is being treated by a team of doctors. Dr. Nitin Dange, a neurosurgeon, and Dr. Leena Jain, a cosmetic surgeon are also part of the team. Another doctor has reported from the hospital. The doctor wished to remain anonymous.
Furthermore, they have reported that the actor has suffered multiple wounds. However, they are able to move their hands and legs. Fortunately, the spine was not affected. Doctors consider him extremely lucky. This is so because, during the scuffle, none of his primary organs were affected. Currently, he is under observation at the ICU.
The Nature of Injuries
During the surgery, doctors found a piece of knife. This was lodged into his body. One of the stab wounds required ten stitches. However, this did not injure his vital organs. Moreover, the injuries were identified as two deep. The others were two moderate and two superficial. The attacker, however, fled the scene. This was when they realized the staff had woken up.
Around two hours before the attack, Kareena Kapoor shared a photo of her night. She was attending a girl’s night at actress Sonam Kapoor’s residence. She was in attendance with her sister, Karishma Kapoor, and other friends. Sonam’s sister, Rhea Kapoor was also present. Sonam and Rhea hosted Kareena and others. This was according to the picture they posted. They shared the picture on Instagram. Moreover, they enjoyed three drinks together.
Current Update on the Scenario
Senior Police Officer Gedam Dixit has also issued a statement. He mentioned that the actor is currently recovering. Also, the doctors are monitoring him constantly. Besides, all the family members are safe. Presently, there is a complete investigation ongoing. Moreover, a forensic investigator has reported clues. They have found fingerprints from the crime scene. Along with this, sniffer dogs were brought. This was to look for more clues in the scene.
Saif’s fans and community have expressed their concern. They have also offered support to the family during this time. The Mumbai police are working diligently on the case. They have sent out various teams throughout the city. The suspects are also being questioned immediately. Celebrities such as Simi Grewal have shown their concern over the matter. They have expressed how shocked they are at the incident. Moreover, his friend, Sidharth Anand has also visited him at the hospital. He is also likely to meet the family to show his support.
However, there are actors and celebrities who have raised a concern regarding this. Celebrities and fans are raising the question as to how safe the common man is. When such incidents happen at a celebrity’s home, there are still chances of injury. In such a case, if the victim is a common man, there is no security or immediate assistance. This has brought up doubts regarding the safety of the common man in the city.