Republican “Uncle” Senator Tim Scott: “Boss, Is We Sick?”

“Uncle” Tim Scott shown above with his white masters Donald Trump and Lindsey Graham.

Sen. Tim Scott was at it again last night faithfully executing his “Stepin Fetchit” mouthpiece duties for his white Republican handlers, like Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. Mitch McConnell.

On Wednesday night, Scott was selected to deliver the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s address to the nation. Among other objectionable statements, in a speech littered with lies and distortions, Scott made this particularly dishonest claim: “America is not a racist country.”

Malcolm X warned us about these House Negro types who identify with their white Massas to the point of even becoming sick when they are sick. As Malcolm put it, “What’s the matter boss, we sick?”

The “we” here signifying that these Black skin disgraces to the race serve white patriarchy faithfully to the detriment of the masses of Black people.

How can any self-respecting Black man claim America is not a racist country when it was built on racism? How can Scott make such an easily refutable statement when we had to endure the last four years under his president, Donald Trump, who has exacerbated racial divisions like no politician in our lifetime?

Scott is a contemptible, corrupt, opportunistic liar.

And he undercut his mendacious declaration by several things he said earlier in his speech. For example, he said, “I know what it feels like to be pulled over for no reason. To be followed around a store while I’m shopping.”

Is Scott saying when he was being pulled over by police, or followed while Black in a store, that it wasn’t because of the institutional racism embedded deeply in American society? Perhaps, he would argue here that it was just one of a “few bad apples.” The Republican Party is now so dependent on the votes of the most racist segments of America that Scott is asked to make these absurd pronouncements.

Scott further negated this silly statement when he talked about his grandfather saying, “I remember, every morning, at the kitchen table, my grandfather would have the newspaper in his hands. Later, I realized he had never learned to read it. He just wanted to set the right example.”

Scott debunks his own argument with this anecdote. It seems clear enough Scott’s grandfather wanted him to have the benefit of an education that he never had. If not institutional racism, what prevented his grandfather from getting an education?

Given the fact that Scott is negotiating now with Democrats on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, we should worry about a water-down version of the bill that will do little to stop racial policing.

Scott is now being given prominence by Republicans because he is an unprincipled man who can be employed to advance their regressive racist agenda—while parading around in Black skin. Why else did they choose him to deliver the Republican response? Why else is he being used to “negotiate” on the George Floyd Policing bill?

Scott is also being used so Republicans, and their ultra-white cultish followers, can say there’s no racism and even our good Black boy Tim Scott said so.

Most of Scott’s rebuttal of Joe Biden’s message last night was pure garbage. He gallingly claimed Biden had failed to bring racial unity to the country.

Scott said nothing when Trump engaged in any number of racist statements—including after being told by Lindsey Graham about Trump’s infamous labeling of African nations as “shithole countries.”

How dare Scott criticize Biden for anything, when he has even made excuses for Trump’s attempt, on Jan. 6th, to overturn American democracy—because they wanted to nullify the votes of Black Americans and other non-white people?

But what else should we expect of Black-skin sellouts, like “Uncle” Tim Scott, who peddles the propaganda lies of their white puppet masters.