Quawan “Bobby” Charles: Family Lawyer Doubts Drowning Claim

By Special To The Black Star News

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ACLU of Louisiana today demanded a full, independent investigation into the death of Quawan “Bobby” Charles

[Quawan “Bobby” Charles]
Ron Haley: “When you see his mangled body it does not look like he drowned.”
Photo: YouTube

The family attorney of Quawan “Bobby” Charles, Ron Haley, tells TMZ … he refutes the Sheriff’s conclusion that Charles drowned.

Haley said, “When you see his mangled body it does not look like he drowned.” He said the Sheriff’s explanation doesn’t add up … because Charles’ body was found in a sugar cane field and the bodies of water there only amount to 1 to 2 feet.

Then there’s this … the family has not received an official autopsy report. So, they’ve commissioned an independent autopsy, which the family should get back by the weekend. Ron says the Sheriff’s details so far are hazy, at best.

The death of 15-year-old Quawan “Bobby” Charles has all the markings of a modern-day lynching according to his family — who say the case reminds them of the Emmett Till tragedy.

The Black teenager’s body was found in a sugar cane field in Louisiana on November 3 after he’d been reported missing on October 30.

Although the Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office has said it’s investigating the “suspicious circumstances” of his death, it has not released many details.

Read rest of story here.

See also  Quawan “Bobby” Charles: Protesters speak out at Iberia Parish sheriff's office

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