By Dr. Brooks Robinson\Black
Photos: Facebook\YouTube Screenshots
On March 10th and June 9th of 2023, released open letters concerning the ubiquitous, relentless, poisonous, and death imposing force known as the media; a crucial factor that has helped, and is helping, determine [constrain] Black Americans’ (Afrodescendants’) possibilities and plight around the globe.

We have provided irrefutable evidence in support of our claims, yet Black American institutions and
organization are not highlighting sufficiently the media’s role in our genocide. Consistent with our oppressor’s historical strategic tactic known as “divide and conquer schemes,” the media’s attack on Black America has targeted, implicated, castigated, indicted, and destroyed Black males as its starting point to undo the eternal bond between Black males, females, and families. Sadly, our continued participation in media production and consumption renders us complicit in causing our demise. Who is the criminal in a suicide?
An important realization concerning the media is that, while its regulation by government is nearly transparent, we should not forget that government is controlled by oligarchs and plutocrats, who, in turn, own the media. Couple that with First Amendment rights, and the media runs amuck to achieve a desired objective—resolving the “peculiar species of property” problem.
Many Black Americans claim wokeness. But are we failing to see that our former sleepness and current wokeness are media outcomes? Are we ignoring the fact that most of us mainly consume one information source: The media? To not be woke to the media’s thought control powers is a major failure indeed.

Consider the following statements that released earlier this year:
“…Suffice it to say that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad told Malcolm X, who told the world that
Black Americans should be absolved of their “sins/crimes” because we had no such “sinful or criminal”, nature before arriving in the Western World. {It is common knowledge among the knowing that, in antiquity, Black People drove those who proved to be mischief makers from their land—the Holy Land.} We only began exhibiting such “sinful or criminal” behaviors after living under the influence of the Western mind. The sexual misbehavior on trial in the {redacted} case is explained well by Freud, his one-time colleague Jung, other psychologists, and by the overpowering influence of the American media…
It is ironic that the media displays “deviant” sexual behavior, programs viewers to exhibit the same, and creates an opportunity for the talented to use the media to accumulate sufficient wealth so that they can operationalize that very behavior. In addition, the media conveys that those with sufficient financial and other resources can escape criminal punishment that would otherwise result from performing criminal behavior. Therefore, the media provides a perfect storyline that can convince its audience that it is possible to live the life of those recently accused of sexual misbehavior. Finally, and even more ironic, is the fact that the media benefits by presenting the story of those who become trapped in the just-described process in real time and when a related biopic is produced.”
But “trouble don’t last always.” The nation’s newly elected President has sued successfully a media
source and received a favorable settlement in a defamation case. Also, Rolling Stone reports that the
Trump Administration will be “brutal” with media opposition. Thus, we must ask: What about us
(Black Americans (Afrodescendants))? When will we arise and operationalize strategic actions to
protect and save ourselves and our future?

Brooks Robinson
P.O. Box 8848, Honolulu, HI 96830-8848,
Dr. Brooks Robinson is the founder of the Black website.