On Quathafi Killing, Who Is ICC’s Luis Moreno Ocampo Fooling?

He was celebrated as a hero human rights crusader in Argentina; it doesn’t reconcile with ICC’s Ocampo

[Black Star News Editorial]

The professionally and morally discredited out-going International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor now says the lynching of Libya’s leader Muammar al-Quathafi “creates suspicions” of of war crimes.

This Luis Moreno Ocampo of Argentina is truly something out of this world. His conduct with respect to Libya was so deplorable that he deserves to be banned from landing in any African country.

When the NATO-rebels lynched suspected al-Quathafi supporters in Benghazi as early as February, including migrant workers from other African countries, Ocampo did not utter a word even though the killers posted video images of the atrocities on YouTube, with cheering crowds; when NATO-rebels beheaded migrant workers from other African countries Ocampo said nothing, he was busy peddling his insane Viagra rapes hoax story on CNN and in The New York Times, which he has since never revisited; when NATO-rebels ethnically cleansed Misurata of its Black-skinned Libyan population, as reported by The Wall Street Journal on June 21, 2011, using an army called “The Brigade to Purge Slaves, black skin,” Ocampo said nothing; when the NATO-rebels ethnically cleansed Tawargha of its entire 35,000 Black-skinned Libyan population, burned down their homes and wrote “slaves” and “negros” on the walls of their destroyed houses, again as reported by The Wall Street Journal on September 13, 2011, Ocampo said nothing; when NATO-rebels, emulating NATO’s merciless 24 x 7 several-months bombing campaign of Libya, leveled the City of Sirte with indiscriminate shelling, then executed dozens of captives with their hands tied behind their backs, the so-called “prosecutor” said nothing; when al-Quathafi himself was dragged on the streets, sodomized and lynched, not a word from Ocampo, and; when the British newspaper The Independent  recently reported continued war crimes by the NATO-regime in Libya, including imprisonment of Black women and children as “enemies of the state”, again Ocampo was mum, even though he was in Tripoli when the report was published.

Now with respect to al-Quathafi’s killing, Ocampo, ever the publicity hound, tells journalists: “We are raising this concern to the national authorities and they are preparing a plan to have a comprehensive strategy to investigate all these crimes.”

In other words the NATO-regime, also known as the National Transitional Council (NTC) in Libya, the suspects behind the alleged crime, are expected by Ocampo to “investigate all these crimes.” It’s much like commissioning a Godfather to investigate crimes by the Mafia.

Luis Moreno Ocampo of Argentina does not respect International law. He has turned the ICC into an enforcement instrument for Washington, Paris and London. These capitals tell Ocampo whom to prosecute and he obeys.

Ocampo was once celebrated as a hero because it was reported that he was tenacious and tireless while going after human rights abusers in his native Argentina, as a crusading lawyer. That reputation does not reconcile with the Ocampo of the ICC.

Did Ocampo change and become a different person? Did he succumb to the political global hegemony and pressure from the United States, Britain and France? Was he ever a crusader for justice at all in Argentina or was that reputation myth?

Ocampo this summer will pass the baton to his deputy Fatou Bensouda from the Gambia. We hope she did not learn much from him.

In time, a clearer and more informed picture of Ocampo may emerge. But the Ocampo we know will not refer anyone to be investigated on alleged war crimes in connection with the lynching of al-Quathafi or the other crimes committed by the NATO-rebels.
If truth be told he would have to prosecute the entire NTC leadership for the crimes carried out in Benghazi, Misurata and Tawargha. This will never happen. Not in the short run anyway.

So who does Ocampo think he is fooling?

“Speaking Truth To Empower.”