[NYC Department of Small Business Services]
NYC Department of Small Business Services opened applications for the NYC Small Business Continuity Loan Fund. Businesses with fewer than 100 employees who have seen sales decreases of 25% or more are eligible to apply for loans of up to $75,000 to ensure business continuity.
Photo: NYC Small Business Services

The following is a letter from the New York City Small Business Services regarding help for small business suffering through the COVID-19 crisis.

Dear small business partner:

As you know, this is a rapidly changing situation and we are here to support you, whether you are a business owner or a jobseeker.

Please see below for a roundup of new developments as of March 28, 2020.

  • NYC Department of Small Business Services opened applications for the NYC Small Business Continuity Loan Fund. Businesses with fewer than 100 employees who have seen sales decreases of 25% or more are eligible to apply for loans of up to $75,000 to ensure business continuity.
  • Learn more about this and the Employee Retention Grant for small businesses with four or fewer employees here:
  • Congress passed and the President signed into law the legislative package known as the CARES Act. The relief package developed to respond to the economic calamity created by the COVID-19 pandemic promises to deliver $2 trillion in federal funds. When implemented, it will include $377 billion for small businesses, including loans to small businesses, which offer loan forgiveness for funds spent on payroll, rent, mortgage interest, and utilities.
  • Learn more about the SBA loans and programs here
  • Restaurants are still advised to follow NYC Health Code requirements for food preparation. More information here
  • The State Liquor Authority released additional guidance for business owners, see here
  • NYCEDC is seeking businesses with the ability to quickly source and/or make needed medical supplies (e.g. face shields, gowns, ventilators, masks, and other products as needed) to support the City’s COVID-19 response.
  • Learn more and complete the info form here
  • Suppliers or distributors with access to a stock of ready-made supplies to sell or donate (medical or otherwise) should visit Companies or individuals looking to volunteer and/or donate funds, food, and goods to those in need should visit
  • Some City agencies have adjusted their operations during this time. Please see here for updates WE NYC is hosting a virtual fireside chat on April 2. This event will focus on emergency financial assistance.
  • Learn more and RSVP.