New Jersey Wants Pension Fraud And Abuse Reported

Gov. Chris Christie

[New Jersey]

The Christie Administration’s Pension Fraud and Abuse Unit within Treasury’s Division of Pensions and Benefits has established a Web presence and is offering multiple contact options that concerned citizens can use to report possible misconduct by public pension plan participants.

The unit can be reached by phone, email or by filling out an information referral page that can be found on the website and emailing it to the unit.

“We wanted to make it as easy as possible for people to contact us,” said James P. Scott, the Director of the unit, “and give them multiple platforms for sharing their knowledge about any possible abuses of New Jersey’s public pension funds that may be taking place. Also, in order to encourage people to contact the unit regarding potential abuse, the information submitted to the unit will be treated confidentially.”

When he created the Pension Fraud and Abuse Unit through an Executive Order last August, Governor Christie gave it the mission of investigating improper pension claims and payments, including disability pension claims, and instances of improper participation in the pension systems as well as potential fraud and abuse of other benefit systems.

In his State of the State address on January 14, the Governor said the unit was needed because “our pension system is burdened by some who collect disability retirement because they claim they are totally and permanently disabled, but who are now working full-time.”

The Pension Fraud and Abuse Unit can be contacted by phone at (609) 633-2925 or by email at [email protected].