New Jersey Should Tap Medicaid Coverage To Address Community Violence. Hearing On Bill Tomorrow…

Photos: NJVIP Coalition

The New Jersey Violence Intervention and Prevention Statewide Coalition (NJVIP Coalition) is pleased the NJ Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee will hold a hearing on S1407 – which would  require Medicaid coverage for Violence Prevention Services – on Thursday, March 14, at 1:00 p.m.

This legislation would allow violence prevention professionals to receive financial reimbursement through the Medicaid program to provide critical services to those impacted by violence.

“Passage of this bill will help to ensure that all communities can enhance their capacity to address violence through public health approaches and promote better health outcomes in New Jersey,” said Will Simpson, NJVIP spokesperson and director of community safety and justice for Equal Justice USA. “Coverage for violence prevention services would extend to Medicaid patients who have been personally injured and determined to be at significant risk of experiencing community violence.”

If the bill becomes law, Medicaid requires the NJ Department of Health to approve an accredited training and certification program for certified violence prevention professionals.

“As part of the approval process for accredited training and certification, it is crucial that the Department of Health partners with community-based frontline professionals who possess the necessary expertise, rather than creating the program in isolation,” Simpson said.

The hearing on S1407 will take place on Thursday, March 14, at 1:00 p.m. in Committee Room 6 on the 1st Floor of the State House Annex in Trenton.

For more information contact Jon Crane at [email protected], 203-982-4575.

The New Jersey Violence Intervention & Prevention (NJVIP) statewide coalition brings together frontline interventionists, prevention specialists, and national partners to advocate for and promote responses to violence to center the needs and wisdom of our communities.