By Black Star Editorial

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[Black Star News Editorial]

NELSON MANDELA now sups and keeps company with Africa’s Greatest Ancestors.

And he is the most illustrious of them all.

Look at the honor guard as he walks through the gate! A wave from Nyerere, a wink from Marcus Garvey, a thumps up from Samora Machel; Du Bois puts down the book he was discussing with Steve Biko, for a two-handed handshake, Harriet Tubman ever the fighter pushes her way to the front and she is still holding that rifle, just in case; Malcolm walks majestically towards Nelson astride with Lumumba, both long-legged, and over there who can miss that great forehead, why it’s Kwame Nkrumah himself.

Dr. ML King Jr. makes his way, as does C.L.R James, and Frantz Fannon, and Toussaint Breda, and Sankara, Menelik and Zeytu, and Cheikh Anta Diop, and Dr. John Hendrik Clarke, and Shaka, and Sekou Toure, and Kwame Ture; but now there is a little bit of a rush as they all converge towards Mandela — Padmore, Rodney, Sisulu, Makeba, Jackson, Fela, Franco, Robeson, Marley, Mboya, Mondlane, Cabral, Dedan, Achebe, p’Bitek and many others now concealed in the background, reaching out with their hands to touch this man, who still wears that GOLDEN SMILE.

They all say, together “Nelson Madiba! Welcome! Your work is done in that world. WELL DONE!”

The signature raised fist from Mandela…..

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