Nadler to GSA: Perform Your Duty, Ensure Peaceful Transition of Power

[Biden-Harris Transition]
Nadler: “It is also critical that the FBI, which is responsible for conducting background checks, be immediately freed up to assist the transition.”
Photo: YouTube

Photo: YouTube

Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) sent a letter to General Services Administrator Emily W. Murphy calling on the Administrator to produce the ascertainment of President-Elect Joseph R. Biden and Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris and to allow the Biden-Harris transition team to receive proper briefings from the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security.


In his letter, the Chairman wrote, “It is imperative that the Departments and agencies are permitted to begin briefing the transition team on a variety of issues—including, but not limited to, matters related to ongoing foreign and domestic terrorism investigations; the backlog of immigration enforcement actions due to the pandemic and the zero tolerance policy; the spread of COVID-19 throughout the federal penitentiary system; and various ongoing criminal and civil investigations (such as investigations regarding the technology industry).

“It is also critical that the FBI, which is responsible for conducting background checks, be immediately freed up to assist the transition. It is no understatement to assert that further delays in performing your statutory duty of ascertainment will have a dangerous, if not life threatening, impact on the ability of the Biden Administration to respond to terrorist threats, reunite families separated at the border, limit the spread of COVID-19, and safeguard competition and consumer welfare, among other concerns.”

Full text of the letter can be found here.