M/WBE Companies Encouraged To Bid For Constructions Jobs

RoAnn M. Destito


RoAnn M. Destito, New York State Office of General Services Commissioner today announced bidding for one construction contracts listed below by county.

Firms interested in additional information or to acquire bid documents should visit the OGS website at http://www.ogs.ny.gov and click on the Design & Construction link or call 1-877-OGS-PLAN (1-877-647-7526) or 518-474-0203.


CONSTRUCTION WORK: Contract No.  M3042-C

Description: Restore transformer and electric services cables, buildings 5,7 and 9

Location: Elmira PC -Elmira, N.Y.

Bid date: 1/7/2015

Estimate: $100,000 – $250,000

The Office of General Services requires the participation of minority and women-owned businesses in its procurement and construction programs and requires that minority and women-owned business enterprises (M/WBEs) and minority and women employees be given the opportunity to participate. 

Additional information about OGS construction and consulting opportunities is available on the OGS website at www.ogs.ny.gov under the Empire State Builder Newsletter link. The Empire State Builder Newsletter is the Design and Construction Group’s public information service.  It provides information on construction and consultant contract bidding opportunities, including:  construction plans and specifications currently available for purchase; consultant procurement documents available for downloading; a listing of plan purchasers for contracts to be bid or procured; a listing of interested subcontractors, suppliers, and sub-consultants, and bid and procurement results.